Vehicle Inspection and Roadworthy Certificate Sunshine Coast
In Queensland, the official title of a roadworthy certificate for a vehicle up to 4500 kg GVM is a ‘Safety Certificate’. At Nambour Car Services, we care about safety. We know that there are many auto shops out there willing to issue Safety Certificates to faulty and dangerous cars, so we strive to make 100% sure all cars that leave our workshop are safe and roadworthy. It is our guarantee that we will not award any damaged car with a Safety Certificate until it’s in tip-top shape.
Our Nambour mechanics provide an Approved Vehicle Inspection Station at our car service workshop. We can supply locals, and people from the surrounding areas of Bli Bli, Woombye, Yandina, Palmwoods, Buderim, Maroochydore and further afield, with a Roadworthy Certificate / Safety Certificate.
We offer competitive pricing and superior quality services, and we understand that there’s nothing more expensive than the consequences of dangerous cars driving on the roads and the lives that they take.
Car Roadworthy Certificates are Compulsory
When you purchase a registered second-hand vehicle in Queensland it must be accompanied by a Road Worthy Certificate. When registering an unregistered vehicle, you must also supply a ‘Compulsory Third Party’ (CTP) Certificate to the Approved Car Inspection Station for the legal roadworthy testing of your vehicle.
If a vehicle comes from another state and you need to register it in Queensland, or if it’s a second-hand vehicle – we can also assist.
At Nambour Car Service, our mechanics are committed to road safety, meaning that we will never turn a blind eye to an un-roadworthy fault. If you find a Safety Road Worthy Certificate signed by our Sunshine Coast auto centre, you can be certain that your car is roadworthy.
Call our Nambour auto mechanics to book your car roadworthy inspection today.